
Own hardware and own software

Implementation of a FHE solutions into the existing infrastructure

All sensitive data will be permanently encrypted using the most advanced quantum-resistant cryptography, Fully Homomorphic Encryption, allowing your organization to process and utilize this sensitive data without the risk of a data breach.


Most importantly, analysis will be able to analyze the data, but data breaches will be technically impossible.

How FHE DataBase works

1. The Database is encrypted.

2. All operations with the data are performed in encrypted form at all times.

3. Internal employees and external partners interact with the encrypted data without having direct access to the data itself. They can only send queries within their permissions and receive the resulting responses.

Use cases


Data-sharing protection, monitoring

Insurance & Finance

Eliminating fraud and risk exposures


Infrastructure and smart contract with FHE


Intelligence, voting, AML, tax fraud


Privacy data while used and analysed

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